Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Lesson of the Tree

*The Lesson of the Tree*

My Niece was given a research assignment on the growth and development of the roots of a tree. So as I began to help her look up some things for this topic, I became very interested in the entire process and decided to continue the study even further. I pray that what I learned will bless you just as I was.

Sometimes as we go through things in life, we become so focused on our situations we sometimes feel like no one understands what we are going through. We began to treat our situation as if “It is the first time it ever took place in history.” We act as if no one has ever been through what we are going through. And our first reaction to our circumstance is to separate ourselves and stay to ourselves. We chose to go through things alone because in our minds no one understands. I too am guilty of this, but what I just learned just changed my whole perspective on things.

In Ecclesiastes 3:1 & 15- says to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven: For that which has been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past. This basically says that what has already happened before, is now, and what is to come has already been, but it is required by God. Now what does this have to do with a tree?

Ecologists tell us that a tree planted in a clearing of an old forest will grow more successfully than one planted in a new open field. The reason, it seems, is that the roots of the forest tree are able to follow the intricate pathways created by former trees (think about co-pastors X-men) and thus embed themselves more deeply. Indeed, over time, the roots of many may actually graft themselves to one another, creating an interdependent mat of life hidden beneath the earth. Not Independent, not alone. This literally enables the stronger trees to share resources with the weaker so the whole forest becomes healthier. Using our eXperiences to help the weaker so that we all can remain spiritually healthy.

Similarly, human beings thrive best when we grow in the presence of those who have gone before. Our roots may not follow every available pathway, but we are able to become more fully ourselves because of the presence of others, and their eXperiences. “I am who I am because we are,” goes the saying. I always wondered why many times in the bible…God always reminded His people of things that once were or had been by always saying “just like I swore unto your fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” He was basically reminding them…the same thing I promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when they went thru it, is the same promise that I have for you now that you are going through. What you’re going through is not the first time it ever took place in history. But you have to go through it because there are others who will come behind you who are depending on your path for guidance.

Spiritually our life is like that of a tree and its roots. Our salvation is the trunk of the tree. Our life is the roots. We must choose to allow our roots to follow the direction that God has already predestined for our life, thus allowing our roots to follow paths that were already walked before us. Go through some things that others have already been through as well, so that those behind us will be able to go through them too. Knowing that they are not alone and therefore keeping our forest healthy. We are a forest; we need each other to survive.
No matter what we go through within our forest, we must hold on to the life lesson of the gardener. For every gardener knows that after the digging, after the planting, after the long season of tending and growth, the harvest comes. After the hurts, the heartaches, the abuse, or whatever it was that may have happened in our past or that we may be going through at this particular moment…we can take hope in knowing that what’s to come is better than what’s been. For in due season we shall reap if we faint not.
What are we reaping? A healthy forest.

Today I encourage you to tend to your forest. Don’t let your trees die because you want to be in seclusion. Others are counting on you. They need you and your eXperiences to help them get through, so that they’ll be able to help others behind them go through.

IF you’re trying to do it alone…if you think you can make it spiritually by separating yourself when you go through, then your forest will become unhealthy.


LoVe ya’ll

1 comment:

  1. Love this Tiff... I want to hear what the Lord is saying to you. Keep it up!
