Wednesday, November 4, 2009

God is not my "Paperclip"

A few nights ago, I was looking through some of the old stuff that I had written. I was just going to use most of the “old stuff” to prepare something new and take the easy way out of things, instead of having to write a new presentation all over again. While going through some old paperwork, I heard Him say
“Tiffany, I wasn’t meant to be a “paperclip, and neither is your deliverance “ And immediately I was like “Huh, where did that come from”

It never ceases to amaze me how God will take the simplest and smallest things in life and use them to give me such a huge and powerful understanding of who he is.
Often when God chooses to speak to me with things of this sort, I don’t rest well until I seek Him for complete understanding. So although I may not just have the full understanding of this as of yet, here is what I have learned so far.

Recently I was dealing with a Heart issue of mine, I knew that it was time to let go but I wasn’t quite ready to let it go. During this time I began to tell myself that the reason I couldn’t let it go is because I didn’t know how to let it go and that I needed GOD to show me HOW to let it go.

Sometimes we tend to hold on to things even after our time has expired. That’s where the paperclip came into play. When we put papers in a paperclip it is to keep them together so that we can come back to them with little efforts and not having lost the “important pieces” so to speak. We hold on to things even when they are no longer necessary or detrimental to our growth. In fact some things that we tend to keep in our “Paperclips” be it mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and especially physically, or only there as a way for us to return to and hold on to things of our past.

We must be able to recognize the things that are not prospering toward the purpose of God in our lives and be willing to deal with them. I have realized that those things that I once held in my “Paperclips” were not needed to be held close to me anymore. I even began to think back on a relationship, that needed to be let go but I couldn’t let it go because I still held the remnants of it in my personal “paperclips”. God has already given us the ability to let it go we just chose to place those things in “paperclips” so that we can go back to them whenever.

It does not take faith to get things out of your life that are not close to you, but it is hard to speak to the mountain when you are in love with it.

Sometimes it is hard to see obstacles that stand between us and God when we have soul ties with them…BUTGod can anoint a thing and then command us to move on from it.

Neither is my deliverance meant to be a “PAPERCLIP”
God has shown me the things that I needed to do, and once I have gone through them it would be robbery to keep these things all to myself. I can’t keep my deliverance to myself. I have to tell you what I went thru and How I went thru it because it can be helpful to you. Today I vow to get rid of all my unnecessary “paperclips”. God can not be conformed to a “paperclip” Take God out of your box and and watch Him give you an “out of the this world experience.
I’m tired of having an ordinary experience with an extraordinary God. If He is a supernatural God than why do we become satisfied with natural things instead of expecting supernatural results.

From the Heart of Tiffany

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